
Im-Ex Global Site Refresh Complete

The Im-Ex Global “Site Refresh” is officially complete with code and design enhancements throughout the site.  It’s entirely CSS, HTML, XML, validated and is optimized for speed and efficiency.  New features include an inquiry page that will allow customers to … Continue reading

New Logo – First Step in a New Creation

Kelly’s Belly ( is one of my newest undertakings. I’ve been assigned to create an entire image for this fitness blog and create a integrated competetion program where users can interact and track their progress. The first step to this … Continue reading

Im-Ex Global – Site Refresh

I expect to have something up by the middle to end of July

To Blog or Not To Blog… Isn’t that the question?

“this site will be used for more than just blogging… it will be my true defining web presence. It will be be a connection to me and give people an idea of what I’m working on and have a complete portfolio of my past work”